GMS Field
1 Steinbrenner DriveTampa, Florida 33614United States (813) 875-7753
Yes, it's okay to send me text messages including confirmations, changes, updates, and/or promotions. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. View our terms of service & privacy policy.
Please Note:
- Scoreboard messages must be received 24 hours in advance.- The New York Yankees reserved the right to edit/deny messages for content.- Messages will not appear unless all information and payment is provided.- Messages are first come, first serve. Eight messages allowed per game.- All messages are displayed in the middle of 5th inning. Confirmation of receipt is by phone or email.
Proposal Request, please contact (813) 875-7753
This message will be copied and pasted. We have the right to edit if need be. Please ensure the entire message is entered and all punctuation and spelling is as desired.*